TCS attended the NMRA Pacific Southwest Region Convention in September 2019. We manned a few tables in the vendor room and spent our weekend discussing WOWSound decoders and our Universal WiFi Throttles with interested folks. Throughout the show we also hosted several clinics, visited layouts, and attended talks on LCC, BlueRail, and other emerging technologies. Check out our trip video below:
Many thanks to Frank Baker, Don Vest, and Richard Wehr for inviting us to Arizona and organizing our clinics. Thanks to the Scottsdale Model Railroad Historical Society and Jim "Doc" Shafer for testing out our throttles on their fantastic layout. Additional thanks to the Pacific Southwest Region for being great hosts and to everyone else we met for all the great discussions! Happy modeling to all!
We spent over 24 hours together with The Mudhens in the Layout and Vendor room throughout the convention. You might have guessed it, Steve decided to document their fantastic layout. The Modular HO Narrow Gauge Society, or "Mudhens," is a nationwide group of HOn3 modular modelers. This layout was constructed from modules belonging to the Payson, AZ crew. While they normally operate their trains with smartphone apps, they were willing to try out our Universal WiFi Throttles and operated with them at different points throughout the show. You can find out more information about The Mudhens at their website.
Finally, a most sincere thank-you to Frank Baker, the co-chair of the Arizona Junction 2019 convention. TCS was so happy to be included in the convention, and it was all due to Frank's hard work. Dan and Stephen were able to visit his layout before flying home on Sunday. The Morristown & Erie RR Western Division is Frank's freelanced HO Scale layout. It was featured in this year's Great Model Railroads publication. Combining scenes from 1940s-1950s New England, Pittsburgh, and the Pacific Northwest, this layout stretches 18' x 34' and has a mainline length of 480'. Baker is well known for his scenery work, and his layout boasts hundreds of scratch built and highly detailed structures.
We had a wonderful time in Arizona and hope we make it back out there sometime soon. You can find out more about the NMRA Pacific Southwest Region at their website: