Bowser Executive Line Bowser F7A

HO Scale

This installation uses the following decoder:

This installation of TCS DP2X Decoder is for HO Scale Executive Line Bowser F7A and was performed by Tom Gosser, Big Lake, Alaska.

Removing the shell

Place some cushioning on a flat surface. Hold the unit over it. Position the shell perpendicular to your body. Center each thumb on the roof. Use both index and middle fingers to pry the shell outward at the center of the unit, just above the fuel tank. Position other fingers underneath the chassis to catch it. While prying the sides outward, thrust hands downward to release the chassis. An A-unit chassis may have a tendency to hang up in the front coupler area of the shell. This can be avoided by holding the unit in a slanted manner with the cab higher than the rear of the unit.
Once you have the shell removed it is easy to locate the pcb with the 8 pin socket. Cut the kapton tape across the middle and pull the tape halves off to the sides. This will expose the 8 pin socket so that you may remove the two (2) jumper clips from it. You will also need to move the red and black wires out of your way. Plug the DP2X Decoder into the 8 pin socket as shown.
Fold the black and red wires back into place and close the kapton tape over the decoder as shown.
Put the locomotive on your test track and verify the decoder install functions properly. Once you are satisfied then you may reinstall the loco shell. Pay attention to the front draft gear. You may have to remove it to get the shell back on. Just remove the clip on the draft gear and pull the coupler, draft gear and all out the front. The loco shell should slid into place now. Repeat your steps in reverse for reinstallation.

Important Soldering Tip

Please do not use any flux either liquid or paste on the mother board. Over time, the acidic properties of liquid or paste flux will begin eating away at the fiberglass PCB and will damage it. Use only Rosin-core solder or no-clean flux approved for electronics use.

TCS recommends the use of Kester "44" Sn63 Pb37, .015" diameter Rosin-core solder. Kester part number 24-6337-0007.

You can order this solder from the following retailers:
Digikey - PN:KE1110-ND
Techni-Tool - PN:488SO6775

Other solder tips

When stripping wire, only strip a tiny little bit of the insulation. Strip no more than a 1/32 of an inch. When the wire gets tinned with solder, the insulation will shrink back more. Try to not expose any more wire than half the length of the solder pad at most. In no case should solder or exposed wire wire ever be outside the boundary of the the solder pad you are attaching a wire to.
Click here for important information on properly Stripping and Tinning wire