Atlas S-1

HO Scale

This installation uses the following decoder:


DXI Installation

This was performed by our friends from DCC Xpress installations. 
They offer high quality WOWSound installations for a flat rate complete with free return shipping! 
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This installation documentation is for the Atlas ALCO S-1. This installation uses the AS6 decoder.

To start off this install, gently squeeze the front of the top shell and lift the shell off of the platform. The cab portion will release after the front is removed. Take care to release the handrails as you lift off the shell so they don't break.
With the shell set aside, remove the screw located on top of the original lighting board and unsolder the connections. Remove this board.
Shown with the original lighting board removed.
With the original lighting board removed, lift off the top half of the frame. Use Kapton tape as shown to isolate the left motor from right motor.
Place the A6X decoder in place and replace the mounting screw. Solder the four track pickups.  Replace the shell and your installation is complete.

Important Soldering Tip

Please do not use any flux either liquid or paste on the mother board. Over time, the acidic properties of liquid or paste flux will begin eating away at the fiberglass PCB and will damage it. Use only Rosin-core solder or no-clean flux approved for electronics use.

TCS recommends the use of Kester "44" Sn63 Pb37, .015" diameter Rosin-core solder. Kester part number 24-6337-0007.

You can order this solder from the following retailers:
Digikey - PN:KE1110-ND
Techni-Tool - PN:488SO6775

Other solder tips

When stripping wire, only strip a tiny little bit of the insulation. Strip no more than a 1/32 of an inch. When the wire gets tinned with solder, the insulation will shrink back more. Try to not expose any more wire than half the length of the solder pad at most. In no case should solder or exposed wire wire ever be outside the boundary of the the solder pad you are attaching a wire to.
Click here for important information on properly Stripping and Tinning wire