Proto Notch™


Proto Notch™ is the TCS exclusive approach to matching the motive power sounds of your model locomotive with the prototype. Using our advanced BEMF motor algorithm, Proto Notch™ decoders can sense exactly how much force is being applied to the rails to move your locomotive and train. By matching that information with prototype performance, we can scale the effort of the model to the real thing and play the right sound to match the work being done.


WOWDiesel decoders are configured with diesel-specific prototypical notching. The WOWDiesel decoder selects which notch (1-8) the prototype locomotive would have to be in to haul your scale load at your scale speed. Then it plays the corresponding prime mover sound to emulate the correct power for that notch.

proto notch diesel



WOWSteam decoders are configured with variable chuff intensity to emulate prototypical throttling. Your locomotives will make faster and harsher chuff sounds as you ramp up speed or increase the load, and soften to slower and smoother chuffs under lighter loads and less pressure. When the locomotive is coasting, rod clanks and snifters also activate depending on coasting rate and track grade.

proto notch steam